Victim of directed energy weapons, organised harassment and morgellons disease....ongoing blog

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I Susan M am a victim of organised crime.
I am targetted with'directed energy weapons'
These weapons direct microwave energy to selected targets via satellite to produce desired negative effects which I will tell you more about later.

I am also a victim of organised stalking and sabotage on all areas of my life including financially, socially and emotionally. I have also contracted the controversial morgellons disease. All of these things have occurred in my life at about the same time, since approximately mid 2005 that I became aware of my medical condition then following in 2006 I became aware of extreme organised stalking and personal harassment.

To better understand the organised stalking I am experiencing I need you to please view this quick youtube which describes this covert crime.

**I will continue adding to this blog for as long as I am alive. It is cathartic for me and I hope brings attention to these awful covert crimes being committed on innocents world-wide***

Most people get targeted for whistle blowing, but target numbers are increasing and reasons can be any. Many people dont know why they become targeted. I have never been told how I became a target but I believe it may have to do with whistle blowing on someone at a former workplace. Once a person is chosen for targeting it is usually for life and levels and types of harassment/abuse/torture vary.

Thomas Marshall (in the following video) is an extraordinary man helping so much to bring attention to electronic harassment and gangstalking (organised stalking or harassment). Unfortunately it is happening to innocent civilians including myself.

****It is important to see this one****

I am in contact with a large number of targets of this crime world-wide on the following victims sites: ( I have posted on these many times as Suzy )

And I also have contact with a wide network of people on facebook who are being electronically harassed and/or gangstalked (which is the term used for organised stalking because organised groups of people engage to interfere in the victims life)
Please see my page on facebook under 'Susan Michaels'

These electronic technologies are highly sophisticated and more importantly remote so basically untraceable, therefore this is considered the perfect crime. It is called electronic surveillance/harassment/torture depending what they are using their technology to do to you. These weapons fall under the category of non-lethal weaponary. I can assure you they are capable of being extremely lethal. The remote satellite technology is capable of doing almost anything, including inducing pain in any area of the body, microwave burns, electrified feelings, entire brain manipulation including thoughts and emotions (even to the extent of changing your personality), sleep deprivation, visual and mental disturbances and hallucinations, creating artificial nightmares and an entire range of other capabilities. These I've mentioned are some of the common ones used.

And I need to inform you about whats called microwave voice to skull technology or the auditory effect. This technology is being used to inject sounds and/or voices directlt into victims heads (so you cant block out these sounds with your ears they are heard from within).

I know this above all might sound like science-fiction or the story of a deluded person but they have done this to me on numerous occassions and the best way I can describe it is terrifying. This link testifies to the fact the technology is available however it describes microwave hearing technology as being quite undeveloped. The truth is it is refined to precision of producing any desired sounds and voices audibly to the target . army FOI docs.
Google has tons of information under voice to skull technololgy, microwave hearing, the microwave auditory effect etc.

The following is a highly credible Australian wesite and best descibes the harassment technologies and their capabilities. The man who runs the website Paul Baird is a longtime Australian target extremely well-informed of the technologies and techniques being used to destroy peoples lives.


***PLEASE SEE THIS ALSO *** Recent newslines of a U.S mayor electorate who claims government attack with psychotronic weapons over 150 times, and also claims she has been gangstalked and personally sabotaged.

I am writing this blog to help raise awareness to the misuse of this technology and the extreme unnecessary suffering innocent people are living with everyday. I have been living in fear as if this is somewhow MY secret to keep. I am now ready to tell the truth here. It is basically all I have left. God blessed I have a very loving mother and that relationship has not been sabotaged. I also have a loving family and nieces and a nephew whom I dont want to be affected by this in any way.

I Susan M am of completely sound mind and judgement and I swear on the Holy Bible what I have written in this blog is all Truth. If you are reading this (thankyou) and I hope that my story is believed because this is only one of so many horrendous crimes on peoples freedom and abuse of this technology which is occuring worldwide.

I have to read about other peoples sufferings on these victims sites every day. It is extremely tragic what I hear innocent people are having to live with everyday. Also at this point I should mention that other victims I am in contact with are generally educated, intelligent people, usually highly humanitarian very normal people just trying to cope with this horrible invasion on their lives and liberties.

At this point you're probably wondering why anyone would do this. I wonder this every day - How can people do this on a moral level but the technology definitely exists and is somehow in the wrong hands.(there are thousands of online articles and websites documenting non-lethal-weaponary) It is actually called domestic terrorism. Targets are being labelled as political dissidents which 'justifies' the use of this covert technology in the face of the war on terrorism. Which is why it seems there has been a massive increase of victims since 2000 - 2002.I can not tell you that I know the exact reasons for this senseless suffering but there must be an agenda behind it.

This website describes possible big picture scenarios

I'm not really interested in the whys, I just want my life back.
Why all this senseless suffering of innocent lives?
Who can answer that but the people who do this?
How can you or I understand why?

In September of 2005 I began to show symptoms of what I now know is morgellons disease. I was sent to an infectious disease specialist in mid 2006. He put my diagnosis down to D.O.P (delusions of parisistosis) which is common to patients who present with morgellons symptoms. However he later sent some scrapings I had taken from my scalp to pathology for analysis. These were 'lost' as seems to be the case with other morgellons sufferes I speak with. There was no acknowledgement or appropriate support of this condition which was giving me baffling symptoms. I persisted with different doctors until I became aware of the Health Departments interest in me.

At this time I also became painfully aware of the surveillance and public gangstalking. I felt like my entire world was caving in on me. I was receiving 24/7 harassment & there was no way of telling my family everything I was experiencing. I did try on some occassions but these attacks are cleverly engineered to make the victim look 'crazy' if they tell the truth therefore ruining their credibility. Also at this point I had no idea what was happening to myself, just that my whole world had been invaded and there was no way of communicating something I didnt even understand myself.

At this point my own psychosis triggered over this whole situation imposed on me combined with their harassment saw me involuntarily committed to psychiatric care. I recall being treated with extreme hostility on entrance to the mental facility. During my treatment it was made clear to me by the psychiatrists it was in my best interests not to talk about my physical symptoms, the morgellons. (These were constant feelings of itching/crawling and foreign materials emerging from my skin, particularly my scalp. These are documented as common symptoms of morgellons disease)

I frequent this support site sometimes

I am in close contact with other fellow Australian sufferers of this mysterious disease and again it is globally spread according to victims locations.

The following wesite has blood analysis reports which have concluded there are materials found in morgellons "not found in nature" or manmade in other words. Hence you understand the controversy and lack of support currently for sufferers of this affliction. Research is quietly continuing. But there are contradicting reports of course.


The following are some of the emails I have received back from enquiries I have made but generally it is very hard to get anyone professional to speak about this to you personally. However there are thousands on thousands of articles on morgellons at google.Hello Susan...

Thank you for sharing with us your incredible experience with your high pressure water treatments.

It is a very difficult situation to be in, dealing with this kind of physical anomaly. Rest assured, these stories are not new to us, and we are here to help. I would suggest if you want to totally eradicate your body of these (possibly advanced nano) materials, you need to investigate formally what we can do for you as a team. We are here for you, so please consider coming on board as a patient.

You can check out our gentle site, and peruse around in there. We have many products that are helpful (and actually quite necessary for recovery)... and you will soon find a button to book an initial intake appointment with me, the Liason/Navigator for Doc Hildy. (our appointment section is almost done!) I will guide you through the steps to link into an appointment with Doc Hildy ultimately, and I'll help you get the Must Have products to your door as soon as possible. One key, you will appreciate particular directions and products for cleansing internally.. not just treating the skin.

Until that internet site button is finished, to book a telephone consultation with me, you can email and we'll work something out.

Please let me know what I can do further for you, and best of everything to you.

We're here should you wish to bring our team into your world of recovery!

Truly, and Blessings,

Toni "Cass" Cassel, L.N.
Liason/Navigator for IHS
and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger
Wholistic Nutritional Consultant
Wellness and Fat Loss Coach
Neurostructural Practitioner

Hello, Suzy, and thank you for seeking out assistance through the Healing Grapevine!

I am the Liaison-Navigator for Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and Healing Grapevine and I just want to let you know I have received your email through the website. (Or, it may have been sent on to me from Ramona at our site or from Dr. Staninger)... Nonetheless, I wanted to let you know that I am here to assist you should you be ready to take another step towards product assistance, or finding your way to a consult with Dr. Staninger. (I sent you a quick note the other day, and hoped you got it.?)

We are familiar with the unique and sometimes horrifying things that are happening to people right now concerning their health, including 'weird' threads, shards and specimens leaving the body through the skin... Few professionals are equipped with information to really help. But Dr. Staninger is seeing great success with her client base in analyzing their toxins (and advanced nano materials) as her analysis helps find the right direction for taking care of it efficiently. (this requires a referral from your doctor. I can help you get this going.)

I am doing her initial intake appointments now, and will get you moving in the right direction quickly! Often I help a client get a few essential products as soon as possible to soften their symptoms while we put their whole protocol map together with them. This can take a little bit of time, and the early products are very helpful for tolerating and little by little alleviating some of the maddening symptoms.

If you go to and click on the “Recover Now” button, you will see it leads you to a brief explanation as to how I can help you, and how you can book an Appointment with me when you’re ready.


Toni Wright, L.N.

Because morgellons is not yet a recognised medical condition there is no cure available although lots of interested parties are selling products which they claim help to detox the body and relieve symptoms. The lack of medical support and misdiagnosis' of DOP is a problem for morgellons sufferers but I have found plenty of support online and fellow sufferers here in Australia. I worry about infecting my family. I pray this disease is not contagious but so far no-one has been able to answer that. I have found ways of coping with this illness.
(*I have scars on my lower back and right hip from lesions caused by morgellons)

Since leaving the mental health hospital in 2006 I have been under constant surveillance, including two-way media surveillance when watching television/radio. My own thoughts are broadcast to public and fed back to me in a mocking/ridiculing of my life. This is a standard practice happening to many targets, particularly via LIVE television.

I was aware of what the psychiatrists were trying to do at this stage - to give me a subsatntial psychiatric record, which they succeeded in. This is common for targetted individuals and helps to defame and destroy their credibility medically/psychologically/legally/personally.

Im currently accessing FOI documents on the pathology specimen to find out how it disappeared. Also FOI documents on my involuntary commitment at the mental hospital will be interesting to see their assessment of my presenting physical conditions.
I have to say that my experience of psychiatric care was less than ordinary. I felt pushed into a diagnosis which I knew was not real and experienced their involvement in the entire thing.

Gangstalkers & perpetrators (people who are assigned to sabotage your life or experience of it) work on incentives. It is a highly organised crime, most participants are offered a monetary incentive or perks of some description. Some people seem to really enjoy it too (bored miserable people in my experience) It is somewhat seen as a covert 'game' which unfortunately excites some people.
It has astounded me just how many people are recruited into this type of harassment/bullying. I personally have encountered hundreds.

Most of my friends have left my life, I can only assume due to lies/bribery/slander and even false evidence - whatever is needed to support their lies can be created. Whatever it is that either motivates people to stalk me in public, harass me or more importantly leave my life, the operatives can easily organise. Again this force into isolation is common to all people targeted with these crimes. I have accepted this gradually (like I had to) and I am ready to share the truth with the people I care about, and of course anyone who might be reading this I am so grateful for all awareness to this human attrocity.

The last job I had I was basically harassed out of. This included trying to sabotage my work (I am a very capable and accurate employee - usually ) What was even worse is they personally ostericized me and alienated me from relationships in the workplace. This was so hard for me to deal with on the job as I am already quite a shy person. Isolating targets and particularly driving them from employment supports their slander stories of victims having psychiatric or anti-social problems which helps to further isolate them.

The following article is an example of how a person can be publicly defamed and slandered within the community including to professional 'help' services which then leads to a lack or support from those in 'helping professions' This also includes telling lies and deceptions to willing participants of the 'stalking' activity. I have had lots of experience of this in my life.
important article to give you an idea of what extents are taken to completely defame, slander and
ruin a targets life particularly socially.

The following is a very important wesite documenting over 1000 torture cases of this kind collected worldwide, including my own and others worldwide. It is a good example of the vastnest of this attrocity. You will see that victims locations are scattered globally.

Ive referred to alot of websites to support my testimony. This is to show the reader the undisputable evidence and raise awareness to the sufferings of so many innocent people. How can you or I understand the motives of this cruel crime? Im a humanitarian, I have no understanding in my heart whatsoever. But I forgive the perpetrators for what they do.

My family knew nothing of this, I love them and dont want to hurt them but I need to tell the people I care about the truth.It has taken me 4 years to sit down and write this, it has always been too big to tackle and I do it with shakes sometimes as I cant believe this is my life. I tried to tell my mother in bits years ago but she cant understand and I think its better she doesnt know, this is too much for her to comprehend and Im more concerned about her well-being than her needing to know all this. I have learnt to cope with things and cover up well.

I can easily face harassers now or people who try to interfere in my life. Their object is to make their target feel isolated and shameful, (like you must have done something terrible for all these people to conspire against you) I used to feel like I must have killed someones family - the hostility of some people. And its so interesting that in such a long time of experiencing this I have learnt that the stalkers carry much more shame than what they try to give me. I feel so much stronger now Im using all my countermeasures.

My most powerful strength has been found in spirituality. God has helped to reduce efects of attacks both electronically and personally. Im doing so well now compared to times past,I also post this blog on facebook (only to other TIs) Many have similar stories to mine. My theory is Im less likely to be hurt the more people know my story. We are each others witnesses.

I need you to know I would never take my own life against my will.
I still love life and Im waiting, praying for a solution.
I have to mention that my life has been threatened with accidents, forced suicide, false criminal set-ups and cancers.
(* pls note - morgellons attacks the entire biological system and can easily trigger other illness/disease )
I dont feel like these things will happen but its better if I note this. It has happened to people.

You might be wondering why victims couldnt go to someone (the police, doctors, lawyers, politicians, priests - anyone for help) I have tried all I can think of and people do all the time. The simple answer is this activity goes way up to the top. At present there is nothing anyone can do to stop the misuse of these weapons and covert harassment but word is getting out and there is endless activism happening. Australia is a bit quieter than U.S but definitely not unheard of. I know there will be answer soon.

Here is an Australian Gangstalking forum I just signed onto:

**There are literally millions of articles and websites dedicated to this issue ,personal accounts, youtubes at google under things like electronic mind control, electronic surveillance, gangstalking, morgellons, directed energy weapons, domestic terrorism.

**To anyone reading this who is a targeted individual of these crimes please contact me at

Im excited about a new development. I have rceived emails regarding a renown news affairs program wanting to do a report on morgellons. They are encouraging any sufferers to contribute their story. I am in contact with several australian sufferers who are sending their stories in. I am working on mine also. I am a bit apprehensive because of the skepticism towards this disease but the truth must be told.

I am so happy that some people/media are giving this the attention it deserves. (* note - the episode has not been confirmed I assume due to the controversy surrounding morgellons and lack of medical support)

This is a video of a targetted individual from U.S talking about EH (electronic harassment) and personal harassment on herself and other innocents

I have no intention of taking this story anywhere. Simply there is nowhere to go. I have tried everyone from medical to legal. But I hope other TI's read this and know you aren't alone. Please check into the support sites above and facebook.

I went to the pools today, I have a membership at the local gym which I enjoy (all bar the gangstalking/perpetrating of this harassing activity)
A gangstalkers intention is to get your attention by doing things such as repeating things you have said in private, as you walk by. They might mimmic your gestures, talk very loudly around you, try to disturb your activity in any way possible. They laugh loudly, look like they are talking about you, or looking at you. They basically do wahtever they can to make your experience a negative one.
Perpetrators of this crime can do things like sabotage your work, slander your public reputation, interfere in your life in negative ways. On top of the electronic harassment it is alot to handle sometimes. It has been written and I believe are targetted individuals movements are fedback to these people 24/7 so a gangstalker knows where are target is at any time. I know this because of the frequency of stalking and the numbers of harassers who may show up where I am at any time.

I believe when a persons freedom is robbed this way they either sink or swim. There are many strong people I know suffering horrible crimes, they are doing what they can to fight and bring attention and justice. Then there are people who just fall apart, they end up friendless, jobless, homeless and broken.

It is a 'taboo' subject to people who are not targetted. I have discovered this by trying to talk to certain professionals on this subject and been pretty much shut-down. I understand that it is something that the rest of society is 'encouraged' to have nothing to do with. I understand that I am unlikely to find the help I need and understand the mass implications of our life stories but these stories also need to be told, people are dying and suffering countless afflictions because of these covert operations.

Other gangstalking actvities include noise harassment, drive-bys and headlighting. Some victims report break-ins, vandalism, theft, damage. I have had belonginings go missing several times throughout this journey. To my knowledge they do not come into my house thank God. An example of the bizarre things that do happen. A friend also victim from W.A Australia had her shower screen replaced whilst out of the house. Obviously this was noticable to her and a very odd experience. It is an invasion of strangers in her home which is almost impossible to convince to the law; who would believe anyone would bother doing such a thing, so it is things like these which do happen to targets, interference with mail, moving/theft of personal belongings and electronically partcularly interference with electronic communications, appliances etc

I amuse myself sometimes with gangstalkers antics, one guy actually used his baby to cover his face as he called my name (I was meant to be confused to where the voice is coming from) I take comfort in knowing that they must be sad or bored or miserable themselves to do these things to other people, and that I could never be paid or manipulated to interfere in someones private life. I have committed no crime, we are innocent individuals under unprovoked domestic attack. Actually I am in Australia and dont know where the main controls are, there are a few theories and I think they are basically spread across the countries engaging in the misuse of these weapons.

I have met some really good people (other victims) online, this has helped immensely and this blog is helping now. I have informed myself of everything from A to Z on this issue, I stay updated and this situation has given me a spirituality I may have never experienced.


The capabilities of this weaponry are endless and I fear being put into hospital.
I read a victims post recently. She was targetted on top of her skull with such great pain that she screamed for 10 minutes until it stopped, ans she was taken into psychiatric care (because of cause there is nothing to show cause of pain). They can also do this with extremely defeaning voice to skull (which i have experienced in short bursts) If they left it on you would surely end up screaming like a crazy person.

I am writing this because I live with fear of them doing such things to me. They threaten me with cancer and disease all the time, they have done for about 2 years now.

Two very important things I have learnt in living with this. The first is that when surrounded by darkness, beauty stands out even more - its cliche but the birds sound more beautiful and nutella tastes better than ever. These are the good moments. The other thing I know in my soul now is that life is just a passage to somewhere else. This really isn't all there is. I fully and completely believe in afterlife now. Im not afraid of dying just afraid of this.

What to do for sufferers of EH