Victim of directed energy weapons, organised harassment and morgellons disease....ongoing blog

Monday, July 12, 2010

organised stalking

The million dollar question??? What incentive do organised community stalkers receive from their organisers. There are some theories, one is status and a feeling of belonging to something where they can act as law or vigilantes for society, feeds peoples egos and for some people their need to bully others. I have pondered monetry incentives but there are just too many to pay them all. So the only other thing I can think of is perks/favours they might receive in return for their services. It is a global and massive organisation community gangstalking. I speak to fellow TI's every day who tell stories of being stalked, mobbed, sabotaged, ostericized by MANY people so it must be HUGE.
No E/H lately but I am highly electrically charged. Im sure a reading meter would prove my electronic waves are abnormal. TI's have done this and their readings are off the scale. It is one way of proving the effects of E/H.

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