Victim of directed energy weapons, organised harassment and morgellons disease....ongoing blog

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I do such a great job at hiding my pain from the world, its amazing how one can find the strength to adapt to any situation. My friends aquaintances extended family dont know about my circumstances they dont need to, its noones business unless I want it to be. My reasons for not working or personal issues are no-ones business. Its too hard for people to understand. Although I hardly see many people these days so when they ask how I am I just tell them Im fine. Had my acting talents been discovered earlier I may have been an actress not a TI. Thats why activism is so hard on this issue, its such a hard nut to crack. We'll keep trying, all truth is exposed eventually. The CDC are stalling on research results and no-one wants to get involved. Change takes forever.

Monday, June 28, 2010

the job

Ive got a bad feeling about this job. I did a great interview (lots of BS) the guy loved me and said he would call me in for a second interview soon as he spoke to someone which was to be that day or the next. He seemed so keen on hiring me. Then I just heard nothing from him at all. I tried calling and leaving messages - nothing! Then after I accepted that the perps 'gave advice' to the employer and I would not be getting the job, I got an email (on the weekend) to say come infor a second interview next week, when they wwere apparently desperate for someone to begin right away. Ive got a bad feeling about it, surely 'their' tentacles have been in it. I know it sounds like nothing but these 'nothings' happen all the time. Work is a great environment to rattle and play with peoples emotions coz you cant go anywhere and its hard enough to work everyday let alone being harassed on top. The last time it happened I was so shocked by the 'ganging up' on me that I just never went back one day. I need the money so have decided Ive got to deal with it if it comes as it comes.

they're back

After some time of relief from any electronic attacks it recurred last night. I was awoken by the most terrifying high-pitched blast to my brain. It only happened once but its impact leaves me in a state of heightened fear and stress. These things always seem to happen when I have something on. I have a job interview lined up (fingers crossed, its been so long since I held down a job) I've stopped going to the local pools for the unwanted male attention. It might be flattering if they weren't all fat, bald and married. Im certain I've been slandered as a tart or worse still a prostitute. So I hold my head up high knowing its all an engineered pack of lies. I wonder how work will be, if I'll be harassed, if I get a job that is. Most or at least many TI's are forced out of work. They just use false evidence and lies to make you look bad to potential employers. Im fortunate I have a loving mum who still keeps me at home at my age (35yrs) I can only imagine how many people end up destitute and homeless.

These are the most horrendous crimes on our lives and liberties. They go unseen and unheard of by most of the general public. This is a silent holocaust, people are suffering awful tortures alone, unsupported and unbelieved. There is no-one nothing to help us as yet. My belief is the world is headed in a definite direction of totalitarian control. And its going to see catastrophic events just as predicted in the Book of Revelation. And it will take something or Someone BIG to change the destructive path this world is headed on - ENTER JESUS

***I will be documenting all future electronic harassment and gangstalking as it occurs****

Friday, June 25, 2010

mc forums

I havnt been praying lately and have not received the holy Eucharist in a lot longer than I should have waited. I thought I'd try to go it alone, who am I kidding? I cant do this without Jesus, I cant do life without Jesus, I dont know how I ever did. I have a special devotion to Our Lady; She is very loving and gracious to me even when i dont deserve it. I feel her with me always. I have special devotions to St Benedict and St Maximillian. He was a young priest in Auswich who volunteered his life in the place of another prisoner and was starved to death. He had bread snuck in and offered communion to to other dying men.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul...." Psalm 23

"And remember that I am always with you even until the end of time" Matthew 28.20

John 14:1-3
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Send your EH cases/stories here


M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lately the dew attacks have slowed down, Im getting frequent nightmares and joints cracking lots but no V2K or sleep dep or other pains lately. I wonder if my holiday will end hope not. If not ok I'll live like this forever, until I die. Im going to journal everything until then
Support Group

14th June 2010

Freedom is a state of mind, nothing in this universe can stop love, nothing can stop God, nothing can come in between Gods love for every person. Nothing can stop the human spirit flamed by the higher power

Its a jungle out there, activism on this subject brings closed doors, one after the next after the next. The news show are evading the morgellons subject or at least coming up with reasons they cant run the show, its abit disappointing but not suprising. Change takes time Ive found out lots of time, lots of people, lots of talking, little listening. Someone once said a good listener is better than a good talker, Im beginning to see the importance in this. People are in a hurry, Im not sure where anyone's going but we're all on a mission to somewhere. Ive realised I was on the wrong mission, I was looking for something on earth and stopped looking for something higher more spiritual and thats my goal thats my destination so it must also be my goal.
Victims accounts

Sunday, June 6, 2010

testimony of JF of thornbury melbourne

7 June 2010

Citizenship: Australia/UK
Year Torture/Abuse Began: 2004
Email: ,


I would like to draw your attention to some extreme and horrendous criminality being conducted by United States Government-related Agencies and the complicity and/or acquiescence of many other Governments and Security Agencies. I am a UK/EU citizen.

There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this, and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely unreported and undiscussed publicly.

I am being extremely tortured and abused, set-up, made a lab-rat of, and my life turned into a horrendous nightmare/circus.

I am being completely eviscerated, neutered, lobotomised, mauled and deformed by electro-magnetic radiation, torture and butchery –and extensively publicly exhibited in the process - both physically, and my tortured and deformed brain/mind is being ‘broadcasted’.

My brain, life, feelings, speech, actions, thoughts and feelings have been under this extreme trauma, deception and torture/butchery since 2004 – and yet these maniacs have ‘broadcasted’ and exhibited me pretending it’s my normal self.

Because of a few human rights emails I sent I’ve had my whole life and metabolism viciously and brutally attacked - pathologised and demonised. With their nazi technology they have waged a relentless war against my whole evolutionary biology, nurture, education, intelligence and life experience. My whole creativity, ‘raw material’, senses, sensibility, feelings, thought, speech, intelligence, imagination, emotions and organic health, range, depth and potential have been completely degraded, butchered, mangled, wasted and/or destroyed (‘Fahrenheit 451-ed’and/or ‘Year 0-ed’). Recently (since Dec 2008) they have more and more succeeded in ‘Manchurian-Candidating’ me. These butchers are treating me - my mental and physical being - as a Skinnerian/Pavlovian lab-rat – as they attempt to inculcate and engineer traumas, pathologies, retardations and deformities in me that I simply do/did not have.

These nazi lunatics are doing this to me to fit their own ugly, nasty minds, and to ‘engineer’ a demonisation and bullshit story about me.

Please find a summary of my situation and plight below.

There are MANY, MANY others, all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (‘suicide bombers’, coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally).

Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations – see USERNAME: johnfinch PASSWORD: TORTURECASES

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.

We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill US.

Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.




I sent a series of human rights activist emails to public authorities and forums beginning in 2003 up to 2006. I came to the attention of an extremist US security organisation in 2004 for this exercising of my democratic right to free speech and since then I've had my human rights, liberty and privacy COMPLETELY VIOLATED and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health savagely attacked, tortured and deformed.


a. place a human subject under ceaseless surveillance, no matter where he/she is, from remote locations

b. ceaselessly monitor a human brain from remote locations, including thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading – ‘RNM – Remote Neural Monitoring’ or ‘ONSE - ORWELLIAN-NAZI SURVEILLANCE AND EXHIBIT’

c. ceaselessly attack directly into a human brain from remote locations with voices, noises, other disturbances, images and ‘virtual-reality scenarios’; and the ability to override, control, and alter consciousness – ‘EBL – Electronic Brain Link’ or ‘THE IAGO-BULLSHIT-IDIOT-HELL MACHINE’

d. directly interfere with, abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - and objects - from remote locations

e. directly interfere with, alter, insert etc. data, files, communications and legal evidence from remote locations - even during transmission

f. make live TV, and other screens and monitors, two-way - for surveillance, invasion of privacy etc. – ‘2WTV - 2-WAY TV AND THE ORWELLIAN MEDIA’

g. control the flow of information and orchestrate the media worldwide


1. Since 2004 I’ve been under ceaseless Orwellian surveillance - 24 hours a day 7 days a week - everywhere I go. Since 2004 my brain, body, physical space and privacy have been ceaselessly monitored - including thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading. I have been under this extremely traumatising Orwellian surveillance and interference - and then extremely brutally and hard-core - tortured and deformed since 2004 – and during all this time my psychological, mental, intellectual and physical states, actions, thoughts, imaginations and words have been exploited and publicly exhibited via internet TV and radio.

The thoughts and images from my deformed, mutilated brain and lab-rat life have been ‘brain-broadcasted’ to very many people around the world and often presented as if it was the workings of my normal brain/mind – also a lot of disinformation and misrepresentation. The states, actions, thoughts, imaginations and words of my continuously and relentlessly extremely tortured and deformed brain/mind and body, and my degraded life have been directly transmitted and broadcast - the outbursts, outcries, anger etc.. Even my comments, thoughts, idiocies and messing around – to alleviate the oppression, aggravation, and boredom of my confinement and torture in this Mengeles/Cameron/Delgado torture and deforming concentration camp – have been exhibited and presented to many unaware people as if they are the products of my normal brain/mind/life. In reality this is “Gestapo Torture/Deformity/Murder TV” – and similar to the Gestapo it seems they enjoy the “sport” – and the degradation, anger and confusion it causes.

Also people and the media have been flooded with dehumanising and ridiculous ‘Psychological-Operations’, parodies and caricatures of me, my family and life – as at the same time they are parasiting, torturing and organically destroying me, they are constructing a fiction about ‘me’ and ceaselessly – idiotically - making what they pretend to be valid psychological and social observations about ‘me’, my life and family.

2. subjected to sleep deprivation, sensory overload, and "mind-*uck" torture.
Under intensive neurological ‘mind-control’ this included :-
A. a witnessing of the suicide of the ‘King of Thailand’ and a cutting off of my friends brother’s legs
B. a saving of many women’s ‘souls’ from death, and many countries from nuclear attack
C. a ‘ritual abuse wedding’ participated in by the ‘Queens of Norway and Sweden’
D. a fictitious relationship with ‘Princesses of Norway and Thailand’ and some other illusory women
E. a ‘road trip’ escaping ‘USA army killers and blackmailers’, ‘Asian mafia/dragon killers’ among others; and participating in fake psychoanalysis and personality analysis sessions; and doing Q & A-type interviews on diverse socio-political subjects. (2005-2006)

3. ceaselessly perpetrators’and other voices are forced directly into my brain and they very aggressively and relentlessly psychologically attack, denigrate, interrogate, undermine, mob and bait me. These voice attacks are forced directly into my butchered and mangled brain. This takes the form of a running attack with a personally codified system of comments and responses to my thoughts, activities, social and psychological state, and biorhythms - both straightforwardly and with many different disorienting, infuriating and distorting effects. This sensory and mental torture and attack directly into my brain has varied from extreme causing near-complete mental breakdown and desperation, to loud, intensive and continuous, to milder, and has included numerous mock-executions. It is all completely and totally unignorable and inescapable. The ‘circuits’ are always open – my brain, body and physical space are ceaselessly brutally violated, monitored and interfered with - and forced into reaction and response - 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It’s a brutal, technological, inescapable ‘Iago-bullshit-hell-machine’. I literally haven’t had a single minutes mental rest, relaxation or privacy since 2005 – not a single minute.

4. ceaselessly subjected to multiple nightly neurological experiments and interventions. Whilst ‘sleeping’ artificial ‘virtual-reality scenarios’ (like little ‘You-Tube’ videos) are forced into my brain and therein processed/experienced. Night after night after night – every single night since 2005 - 3,4,5,6,7 or more times per night. I have been on this sleep and brain control regime and I haven't had a natural, uncontrolled nights sleep since 2005. Often my brain processing/experiencing these “virtual-reality scenarios” is transmitted and exhibited by these Mengeles butchers pretending to do “science”. Their ability to do this required extensive and very brutal neutralisation and engineering of my normal, healthy brain – in order to effect a kind of ‘tabula-rasa’ to use as a ‘player’ – for them to be able to force in their ‘codes’ and ‘play’ their ‘virtual-reality scenarios’. This has resulted in mentally and psycho-physiologically exhausting, degrading and deforming me.
‘BOOB-TUBE - BT’ (2005-present)

5. relentlessly subjected to deep, hardcore and other neurological attacks on my brain creating a lasting lobotomised effect – very often similar to being sledge-hammered, repeatedly stabbed, roasted, fan-forced microwaved, blow-torched, axed, bombed etc. in and across the brain. Almost every single night since 2005, mostly multiple times, and sometimes for hours and hours at a time – all night, all afternoon etc.. My whole creativity, ‘raw material’, senses, sensibility, feelings, thought, speech, intelligence, imagination, emotions and organic health, range, depth and potential have been completely degraded, butchered, mangled, wasted and/or destroyed (‘Fahrenheit 451-ed’and/or ‘Year 0-ed’). Repeatedly subjected to multiple other experiments and interventions on other areas of my brain.

6. repeatedly and relentlessly – every single day and night - subjected to electrical abuse and torture on the genitals, crotch, reproductive system, glands and lymph system. Electric currents are applied to my genitals, crotch and reproductive system at different intensities and positions, often continuously for extended periods of time. This ranges from mildly disturbing to extremely torturous. The cumulative affect is sickening and constant mental and physical tension and aggravation. This electrical abuse and torture on the genitals, crotch and reproductive system is applied at any time of the day or night. I am often woken up by the application of electric currents to my genitals, crotch and reproductive system - night after night after night. Often I am given erections in coordination with the brain butchery, and occasionally voided of semen (my sperm production has been stopped). I AM BEING USED, EXPERIMENTED UPON AND BUTCHERED LIKE A LAB RAT. My genitals have been liposuctioned, collagened, vasectomied, and my scrotum subjected to repeated reductions and enlargements. I have also been anally raped and interfered with numerous times.
‘GENITAL ELECTROCUTION - GE’ (2004/2005-present)

7. My stomach, glands, abdomen, intestines, lymph system and other internal organs are also being continuously, repeatedly and intensively heated and electrocuted i.e. cooked/burnt-out. Often similar to being stabbed, roasted, microwaved, blow-torched etc.. Hour upon hour or all night and/or much of the day.My heart, chest, neck, lower back, back, diaphragm and all over my body. My torso, face and buttocks have been liposuctioned 2 or 3 times. My nipples are often electrocuted. Also in an extremely painful operation they put my spine out of alignment and did extensive nerve reconfiguration work in my spine and lower back throwing my whole body out of alignment – lower back, pelvis, hips, muscles, limbs, balance etc. – and, I think, they are trying to ‘engineer’ my brain to ‘fit’ this misalignment.

Huge - 10,000s of hours - amounts of electricity have been pumped through my body and brain by these nazi butchers. (2005-present)

I believe all of this is an attempted ‘reengineering’ or ‘rendering’ of my brain and body, and it has very seriously degraded my senses, sensibility and mental, psychological and physical strength, range, quality and depth. My brain has been reduced in power, quality and function by at least 70%. All my 'raw materials', psycho-physiological powers, energy, amorphous, undeveloped and latent thoughts, memories, emotions, passions, and feelings degraded, burnt-out and/or destroyed. My chest has been sunken, my lungs collapsed, my heart and muscles atrophied, my circulation and metabolism slowed, my stomach expanded and deformed, my genitals mutilated and deformed, and my body-shape completely altered and deformed. As one would expect being a lab-rat in a concentration camp since 2004 it has caused these most profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairments and deformities.

8. subjected to various other mental, physical and social tortures, degradations and dirty tricks. This includes having my privacy invaded by, and being extensively publicly exhibited via, internet, TV and Radio.

Since 2004 whenever I turn on the TV or Radio - if it's live, I am linked to the broadcasting source. It happens any time I see or hear a live broadcast, no matter where I am. It completely ruins live TV and radio - as you are actually like being in a video-conference - so it's hard to remain impassive or unaffected – especially whilst being tortured. This invasion of my privacy and my torture and abuse have thus been witnessed by, and I have protested and appealed to, many newscasters in Australia and overseas, and by anyone who appears live on the news - politicians, celebrities, newscasters and many others. Initially tolerable and even amusing, this came to be extremely traumatising – especially when combined with the relentless hardcore torture, abuse and mutilated ‘brain-broadcasting’ – and no one even reporting it!

Also the thoughts and images from my deformed, mutilated brain and and lab-rat life have been ‘brain-broadcasted’ to the journalists etc. on TV and Radio – and often presented to them as if it was the workings of my normal brain/mind – also a lot of disinformation and misrepresentation has been ‘fed’ to them. This has often resulted in some of them – both advertently and inadvertently – actually actively participating in the torture and aggravation. Some, I believe, have actually been encouraged to elicit responses from my lab-rat brain and thereby to assist in and facilitate the butchering of my brain and senses to fit these nazi technologies and horrendous violations.

The media has also been flooded with dehumanising and ridiculous ‘Psychological-Operations’, parodies and caricatures of me, my family and life – as at the same time they are parasiting, torturing and organically destroying me, they are constructing a fiction about ‘me’ and ceaselessly, idiotically, making what they pretend to be valid psychological and social observations about ‘me’, my life and family.
‘2-WAY TV AND THE ORWELLIAN MEDIA - 2WTV’ (2004-present)

9. My mother, sisters and other family members have been neurologically attacked/surgically mutilated, and both of my parents and other family members have been anally raped using these DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS – causing them profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairment and disruption. (from 2005-present)

10. Since 2005 colleagues, acquaintances, friends or simply anyone I come into contact with on a day-to-day basis have been neurologically attacked/surgically mutilated, and/or anally raped using these DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS – causing them profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairment and disruption. Literally over 1000 people. (from 2005-present)

11. I have been relentlessly subjected to Organised Mobbing/Stalking. This consists in an intense and highly organized persecution of an individual with the purpose of harass her/him constantly and boycott all the activities, professional and of leisure that the person develops, in order to isolate to take control of the victims life, manipulate the victims mind and ultimately conduct him/her to a helpless situation. This conduct carried out by a group of apparently "normal" citizens is a barbaric form of torture. People are purposely engaged to aggravate me, and to impede and violate my physical and psychological spaces, privacy and freedom. There is occasional physical and verbal aggression. This happens at the places I work, in public, in cars, and around my home. My whole neighbourhood has been infiltrated – ‘ethnically cleansed’. Often these people are neurologically controlled like ‘neuro-puppets’ to maximise the aggravation through the linking of their actions and movements to mine. Other times they are misguided and/or misinformed ‘Jones-Town’ type idiots/victims. The perpetrators are mostly of Jewish and Asian extraction. This is being done to me everywhere I go – including in Russia and Turkey.
‘ORGANISED STALKING – OS’ (from 2004 – relentlessly since 2008)

Thus my human rights, liberty and privacy have been COMPLETELY VIOLATED and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health profoundly assaulted, tortured and wrecked in this ongoing totalitarian nightmare/hell – as I AM BEING RELENTLESSLY, REMORSELESSLY, BRUTALLY, SAVAGELY and CEASELESSLY - since 2004 - subjected to the uninhibited and unchecked aggression, nastiness, ludicrousness, speciousness, and dishonesty of these nazi bully-boys’ psycho- and sociopathic personalities, minds, actions and technologies.

They do all this to me and yet these perverted psychopaths allow – even encourage – me to send emails all over the world publicising their sadistic crimes – "we're ass-wiping democracy", and "you're sweeping the floor for us", they continually taunt.

There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding these technologies and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely unreported and undiscussed publicly. Despite, since 2004, continually appealing for help to most Governments, Legal Systems, Military/Security Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Religious Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world I have received virtually no help, or even acknowledgement, from anyone at all!!

It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their “infinite?” richness, degrees, dimensions, aspects, qualities and diversity!

Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes.

Beware of the brain and gene phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range, quality and diversity of human thoughts, imaginations, senses, sensibilities, moods, attitudes, speech and psycho-physiologies – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL/ PHYSIOLOGICAL monopolists, monoculturalists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously.

And beware of this dumbing-down, disenfranchisement, degradation and monoculturalisation caused by the paucity and total degradation of public information and discourse, and the subsequent and consequent “Fahrenheit 451-ing” of previously autonomous cultures, professions, fields of human endeavour, memories, and intelligences.


It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers.

We urgently need access to SAFE HOUSES to get protection from the directed energy and neurological weapons being used to torture, mutilate and kill US.

Such SAFE HOUSES are available in Laboratories, Hospitals and Scientific/Military Facilities.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch,
5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia,
TEL: 0424009627